1. Login Million Payroll and Perform Backup

2. select Backup Database

3. Adding a backup –YYYYMMDD and the database name

4. Continue backup all database (IMPORTANT)

5. Find Million folder under C or D Drive

6. Click the Million folder

7. Copy and Paste Payroll folder as double backup purpose

8. Rename the paste file as by adding (-YYYYMMDD)

9. Open Email and click the link send by Rockbell Software Sdn Bhd 

10. Open Email and click the link send by Rockbell Software Sdn Bhd 

11. Right click the download file and select Show in folder

12.Browse download folder and select the file has been download and right click the mouse for Extract the zip file

12. Select the Successful Extract file and open it

13. Using Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A to highlight and Ctrl + C to copy all

14. Back to Million folder and double click Payroll

15. Using Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V to paste it and replace all the existing file

16. Login Million Payroll and select OK for Run upgrade database 

17. Final select help - About and check the Version