Notice : AI Submission is only function at Payroll Version above 03 AUG 2023.

             You can check your version on Help - about.

Ensure that you have finished keying 12 months of transaction in payroll then you will be able to generate the IR8A reports in Million Payroll System.


Before generating the report, please make sure that the information are completed in Payroll System as this is a government requirement.

Setting > Statutory Setting





Organisation Setting


Income Tax > General Tab

Employer File No. > Company UEN No. (this is the business number you are registered with IRAS)

Person In charge

Name > HR person in charge name (Compulsory Column)
I/C No. / Passport > HR person in charge I/C No. (Compulsory Column)
Job Title > HR person in charge Job Title (Compulsory Column)
Phone No. > HR person in charge Phone No. (Compulsory Column)
Fax No. > HR person in charge Fax No. (Optional Column)
 Email > HR person in charge Email (Compulsory Column)


Income Tax > APS Tab

Originator Name > Company Full Name


Income Tax > Other Tab

Put the Source an Organization ID Type.

If you are not sure what is the type of your company, please go to Search UEN to check the result.

After filling up all the information, you can generate the IR8A report.

Report > Government Report



Before generating the IR8A Form, you will need to generate All Employee 12 months record in the system
 Government Report > IR8A Form (Below Button)


IR8A Form > Generate


No need to select anything, just click OK

After generation, employees will show up in the record


You can also select Edit to preview or amend the information for individual employee.

Going back to Government Reports

Government Reports > IR8A Form (Report Listing)


IR8A Form (Report Listing) > E-Submission

Select the File Type : Original > click OK to generate the IR8A.txt file, which is the file for submission.


Select where you want to export the IR8A.txt file to, then Select to finish.

Make sure you can find the file.

After generated the text file system will pop up a Message for launch the application for submission website, click yes 

Payroll System will redirect you to government website based on API


Before proceed the Submit, you can do the validate your IR8A.txt file is it correct from the API

You can go thru IR8A file column and click Choose File to upload the IR8A.txt to validate

File the path where IR8A.txt file you export and select to IR8A.txt file to confirm

After Select then can click Submit to validate


If the IR8A.txt file data are no fill in correct, validate will show you the error and you can follow the error to correct you information in Payroll Software

After amending the information, Please generate the IR8A record again, and select the “Overwrite the existing record” to overwrite previous incorrect record.

After that, you can generate the IR8A.txt and validate it again
You can refer back to this step (IR8A.txt) if you are not really sure.


After you have corrected and successfully validate the file, it will show “The validation process was successful.

After done the validate, you just need to select “Production” then click “Proceed”.


System will request for your Singpass/Corpass 

After logging in, user will receive a Request for Permission from IRAS website, click “Allow” to confirm the permission.


After that, in IR8A column, click “Choose File” button to select the IR8A.txt file.


Look for the IR8A.txt file saved in your computer.

After that click Submit, and system will help you qualify the file and check for any incorrect/missing content.

After correcting the information, system will go to this page to show you that the submission is successful.