Appendix  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

 Maintain Loan   ( Employee  -> Loan  -> Loan )

- Record Loan select employee name ‘Edit ‘ button and then click ‘Add ‘. Can start key in loan info then click ‘save ’Last ‘Update to Payroll ’  process it.



In a circumstance where employer may provide loans to employees. These could include:   A loan to buy a car  

 A loan for medical treatment and etc. 


Million allow company to maintain loan amount and deduct monthly repayment amount from month end pay. For example, employer provide RM1,000.00 loans to employee started from February 2022, employee’s salary will deducted RM100 every month end pay until Nov 2022. If employee loan period is more that 12 months and perform year end processing, Million Payroll will bring forward loan deduction amount and remaining loan period to next year.