Go to GST Singapore -> Tax code 

Here to Add the Tax Code 


For Sales add as SR8 and make sure the rate is 8%

For Purchase add as TX8 and make sure the rate is 8%

On 01Jan2023

Reupdate all the tax code in debtor listing 

Select the Old code in Filter the following record for updating

And put the New code in Field to be updated


After done all the customer tax code will auto update to new code

**Same Step in Creditor Side** 

You can also do the quick update On Stock - Product.

Click the Quick Update -> General Update

Tick 'Update Tax Code', Select SR8 Taxcode on 'When Sold' ,

Fliter the following records for updating, Tax Code select 'SR'

After done all the tax code will auto update to new code

User still able to choose the old code when create sales invoice for year 2022